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The information on this section of the Website relates to structured products (the “Structured Products”) and certain related offering documentation in relation to such Structured Products, and is provided for your private use only. Information available on this section of the Website may constitute a financial promotion for the purposes of the rules and guidance issued by the FCA and the PRA. This section of the Website, and the information on it, are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute an invitation, offer or solicitation to engage in any investment activity including to sell or purchase any financial instruments including, but not limited to, an interest in any Structured Products. The content in this section of the Website is advertising within the meaning of Article 68 of the Swiss Federal Financial Services Act (“FinSA“).
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No offer is being made and the offer period for Structured Products may have passed.  Nothing in this section of the Website constitutes, forms part of or should be considered as an offer, solicitation or invitation to buy or sell any Structured Products on this section of the Website or to engage in any investment activity mentioned.
We strongly recommend that you seek professional investment advice before making any investment decision.
The Structured Products contained in this section of the Website may not be suitable for all retail investors or distributors. You should therefore consider the terms of investment in any Structured Product carefully, and seek professional investment advice, before making any decision to invest in a Structured Product. Your ability to access the information in this Website does not mean that any or all Structured Products in relation to which information is made available, have been deemed suitable for you.
The conditions of the Structured Products are contained in offering documents prepared by the relevant issuer. The offering documents comprise either a base prospectus (which may be supplemented from time to time) and final terms or an offering circular and a pricing supplement (the “Offering Documents”). The terms of the Offering Documents relating to each Structured Product will contain risk warnings that are specific to that Structured Product. To the extent you intend on acquiring an interest in a Structured Product, you should read the Offering Documents carefully. In the event of any inconsistency between the information on this section of the Website regarding a particular Structured Product and the terms of the Offering Documents, the Offering Documents shall prevail.
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Any investment involves risk.  Structured Products can be high risk investments which are also subject to general market risks and the credit risk of the issuer. You should not enter into any transactions unless you have fully understood all such risks and have independently determined that such transactions are appropriate for you.  
You may be subject to considerable risk when holding the Structured Product. You must refer to the relevant Offering Documents with respect to individual Structured Products for a full list of risk factors. For further risk disclosure related to financial instruments in general, please consult the risk disclosure brochure “Risks involved in Trading Financial Instruments” of the SBA, which is available on the SBA’s website: www.swiss banking.org You should seek professional investment advice before making any investment decision.
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